Yosof Wanly

Yosof Wanly

Yosof Wanly is a PhD candidate in the Sciences of Hadith (Ulum ul Hadith). He holds an MA in the Sciences of Hadith, and a BA in general Islamic Studies with an emphasis on the Sciences of Hadith from the Al-Madinah International University, and a BcS in Public Health: Health Management and Policy from Oregon State University. Furthermore, he holds a Master of Theology in Islamic Studies from Graduate Theological Foundation.

He traveled extensively in search of knowledge and wisdom, and as a researcher, he authored many scholastic works such as The Explanation of Narrations, A Philosophical Observations on God – An Islamic Perspective, Insightful Dreams of the Prophetic Realm, The chain of Narrations and Traveling in its Search, The Authentic Compilation of the Sunnah, The Fabricated Narrations, The two signs: Contradiction and Individual Isolation, The Creed of the “Ashaira” in the Names and Attributes of God, The Theory of Abrogation in the Quran, and The Rulings of the Quran by the Qadi Ismael al-Maliki.

Prof. Wanly memorized Quran with different ijazat in its memorization and recitation methods. Furthermore, he has a number of Ijazaat in Prophetic traditions including ijaza in Isnad (chain of transmission). He has studied numerous respected ahadith of the Prophet Muhammad with memorization of chain of transmitters, scholarly statements, plentiful historical Islamic accords and their dates, and ample scholarly poetry.

Prof.Wanly spent a considerable amount of time studying classical Islamic works in an organized fashion such as: Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abu Dawud, Sunan at-Tirmithi, Muwata Imam Malik, Adab ul Mufrad, Bulugh ul Maram, Tafsir ul Qurtubi,Tafsir ibn Kathir, Bidaya wa Nihaya, Al-Istithkaar for Umar bin Abdul Bar, Seyar a`lam un-nubala and others.

Currently, he is a Professor with Al-Huda University (USA), is a Khateeb and Imam of various Mosques, and is further pursuing a Doctor of Philosophy in Islamic Studies with the Graduate Theological Foundation; an educational system involved with Oxford University.

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