12 Apr Um Khadeegah
Um Khadeegah is an Egyptian pharmacist who graduated from Cairo University in 2002 and then obtained a clinical diploma from Ein-Shams University .She also passed ICDL, preparatory TOEFL courses and many other courses in QA, GMP and statistical analysis.
She started studying Tajweed at the Arrahmah center for the Noble Quran memorization with Tajweed in Cairo in the year 2003 and completed it in 2005 with the theoretical Tajweed courses in this period. She then went to the Khatemah level and finished the memorization at the year 2008 and started teaching Quran and Tajweed rules at the Quran Center for Arab and non-Arab students in KSA. She also passed the Alqayedah Annouraneyah and has taught non-Arabs since then in Ijazah
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