Prophetic Administration Scholarships

About the project

Institute is a project of Dr. Bilal Philips. We hope you are enjoying the Prophetic Administration free videos. Help us in creating more such videos and courses through supporting and donating to provide scholarships to the underprivileged students.

How will your donation make a difference?

  1. The funds are allocated to provide scholarships to underprivileged students.
  2. Various aspects of the Seerah will be taught to the students which will help them improve themselves, and contribute to their families and communities and it will become a sadaqa jariyah for them and for you.
  3. A part of the donation funds will be utilized to create free Islamic contents as well. This will also become sadaqa jariya for you in sha Allah.

Help us teach and spread various aspects of Seerah!
Donate generously.

About the Course

At the time of the advent of Islam injustice, oppression, and destruction was glooming in every part of the world from east to west. In the Arabian Peninsula, the situation was even worse because there was no central government trying to maintain peace and justice even for the name sake. There was only one rule of law, might is right.

At that time, the Noble Prophet (peace be upon him) united the warring tribes and clans of Arabia into a single nation. In just ten years the Noble Prophet (peace be upon him) established an administrative system and a society the likeness of which cannot be found!

From complete lawlessness, divinely guided laws and morality dominated the field of administration in its entirety. Taqwa became an essential ingredient in the political atmosphere ensuing complete justice for every single individual.

The entire Arabian Peninsula was changed from a tribal society to a society based on religious brotherhood which ultimately transcended geographical boundaries, racial and linguistic differences.

Just think about it, isn’t all this worth learning ourselves and teaching to our younger generations?

Help us in spreading the awareness about the administrative system of the greatest administrator the world has ever seen! Kindly support us by donating generously to sponsor underprivileged students.


What Students Will Learn:

  • Understanding of the pre-Islamic political and social institutions in the Arabian Peninsula.
  • A comprehensive introduction to the administrative system implemented by the Noble Prophet (peace be upon him).

Unique Features of the Course:
High quality mapsgraphics and illustrations will help you to understand the course materials seamlessly and effectively, inshaAllah.

Custom Amount
