Dhul Hijjah 2022 Series

Series Trailer

First Promo Video

Our Dhul Hijjah 2022 series is entitled Hajj under the European Rule and will enlighten the viewers how the Netherlands, France, Russia and the British Empire played a vital role in administration of Hajj for almost a century!

Please help us in keeping this series 100 percent Free forever without any type of monetization. We just need $6000 to achieve this goal!

Unique Features of the Series:

High quality maps, graphics and illustrations will be used in the videos to make the viewers understand things seamlessly and effectively, inshaAllah.

Who is this Series for?

This series is designed for everyone from any walk of life who has an interest in Islam, From an adolescent to an adult learner, this series has interesting learning material for people of every age and place.

How will your contribution be used?

  • Production of videos and contents along with audio, video editing, animation, graphics etc.
  • Promotion of the videos so they reach far and wide.
  • Developing the Ilm Institute platform and covering its running cost. 

How will this contribution benefit you?

  • You will receive early access to the videos even before they are released to the general public.
  • These videos will become a sadaqa jariyah for you, inshaAllah as they will be watched and benefited from by hundreds and thousands of people for years to come. 
  • Not only this but successful completion of this project will open the door for the creation of more free videos to spread authentic Islamic knowledge and all of this will be a sadaqa jariyah for you as well. 

The upcoming videos will teach and spread various aspects of Islam which will help people to improve themselves, and contribute to their families and communities inshaAllah. It will become a sadaqa jariyah for them and for you, inshaAllah.

Help us teach and spread various aspects of Seerah and Islam!

Donate generously.

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