Kashmala Qasim

Kashmala Qasim

Kashmala Qasim is currently pursuing a PhD in Psychology at York University, with an emphasis on community engagement research. She holds a Master of Science in Health Neuroscience from the McMaster University/St Joseph’s Healthcare, Hamilton, Canada, and a Bachelor of Science in Psychology Specialist (Co-op Program) from the University of Toronto, Canada. She has an extensive research, knowledge translation, clinical and teaching experience. She conducted oral presentations at several academic conferences; and has an experience with speaking to a diverse audience of international medical professionals, researchers and students. Sr. Kashmala received an “Outstanding Oral Research Presentation” award within the faculty of health sciences, McMaster University (2013), and “Teaching Assistant Excellence” awards for undergraduate teaching (2013). Sr. Kashmala is currently leading a knowledge translation project at the McMaster University.

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