13 Apr Ahmad Abdel-Wahab
Ahmad Abdel-Wahab has a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Maryland. In 2005, he was accepted into the Islamic University of Madeenah, and began his B.A in the College of Islamic Law.
He memorized the Qur’an whilst in America, with Tajweed and mastery under the guidance of his noble teacher, Shaykh Muhammad al-Raaee. He studied the Qur’an and the classical texts in the masjids from the scholars of Madeenah, and received an Ijaaza in Qur’an and Tajweed from his noble teacher, Shaykh Salaah Shabaana- a teacher of Qur’an in the Prophet’s Masjid. He studied the book ‘Umdat al-Fiqh by Ibn Qudaama under the guidance of his noble teacher, Shaykh Abdul-Khaliq Naaqru- one of the major students of Shaykh Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Mukhtaar ash-Shanqeetee.
Currently Ahmad Abdel-Wahab teaches Qur’an and Tajweed in the Prophet’s Masjid in Madeenah. He also teaches Fiqh classes to students in Saudi Arabia and the United States.
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