Samir B. Belhaouari

Samir B. Belhaouari

Samir B. Belhaouari holds a PhD in Mathematical Sciences: Stochastic processes and applications from the Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne, (EPFL), Switzerland; and an MSc in Networks and Telecommunications: Signal/Image Processing from the National Polytechnic Institutes (INP/ENSEEIHT), France.

Br. Samir has an extensive teaching and supervising experience. He held positions such as an acting dean of College of Science; a head of Mathematics Department at College of Science, Alfaisal University; an assistant professor at Fundamental Applied Science Department, University of Technology of PETRONAS (UTP); a coordinator and lecturer of Engineering Mathematic; a research assistant at the Laboratory of Stochastic Processes, Federal Polytechnic; an internal and external examiner for PhD/Master thesis. He developed a Bachelor Computer Science Courses Program at Alfaisal University and a Math Peer Tutoring Program (MPTP).

He is also an author and a coauthor of publications such as Pre-Calculus: for Engineering and IT Students, Recent Advances In multiuser MIMO, An Advanced MIMO Precoding Technique for WiMAX, and Visual Information Processing in Wireless Sensor Networks: Technology, Trends and Applications. The following are only few examples of journals that published Br. Samir’s articles: The Scientific World Journal, The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (AJSE), Journal of Mathematical Problems in Engineering, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IJPAM), Oxford Journal, Electronic Journal of Probability. Br. Samir holds an USA/Malaysia patents for Face Classification for Verification Approaches and New Algorithm for Classification.

Various awards from Malaysia, Switzerland and South Korea recognized Br. Samir’s outstanding skills and works, among them are: Outstanding Service Award (first position) (2014) and Outstanding Teaching Award (second position) (2014) at Alfaisal University; Mathematic Award at the National Mathematical Modeling Competition (2012), Malaysia; Gold Medal at the Geneva exhibition (2011), Switzerland; Silver Prize at Seoul International Invention Fair (2010).

Br. Samir is a senior member of the International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT), Singapore; and a member of Swiss Mathematical Society (SMS), Switzerland and the International Association of Engineers (IAENG), Hong Kong. Currently, Br. Samir is an adjunct professor at the Radiological Technologies University-VT (RTUVT), Indiana; a consultant and associate professor at INNOPOLIS University Kazan-Russian Federation; and a vice dean for Academic & Student Affairs at College of Science, ALFAISAL University.

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