13 Apr Mohammed Irfan Khan
Mohammed Irfan Khan was born in Kuwait. He is an Electrical and Electronics Engineer by profession. He is working as a Technical Manager at a prominent Da’wah organization named “Peace Propagation Center ” (PPC) in Hyderabad,India.
He completed the Bachelors of Technology in (E.E.E.) Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University. He has obtained a Diploma in Islamic Studies(Aqeedah) (DIS) under Sheikh Hussain Madani, from Peace Propagation Center(PPC), Hyderabad, India.
He has also completed Hifz-ul-Qur’an from Jami’at-ul-khairiyah, Jeddah, KSA. He is a certified Tajweed & Hifz-ul-Qur’an Trainer (Daurat-ul-Muallimeen) from Jami’at-ul-khairiyah, Jeddah, KSA .
He has also completed a short Arabic course under Sheikh Arshad Basheer Madani. He has completed a Da’wah Training under M.I.Ali, the president of PPC and has also gone through a short Da’wah camp under the guidance of Sheikh Arshad Basheer Madani.
He has learned to actively administer Da’wah events and has conducted them in various parts of India. He is also active in online Da’wah campaigns, run by PPC. He has the ability to develop and present educational programs and workshops as well.
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